April 4, 2019

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

The world is in a constant evolution, our main purpose is to walk hand in hand, accompanying and advising you in the adaptation process to the new increasingly competitive environment.

Some numbers

Let’s talk about Digital Transformation

Implementing strategies
• The 89% of the companies have plans to
or have already implemented
digital transformation strategies.
Competitive opportunity
• The 87% of the CEO’s strongly believe that digital transformation provides competitive opportunities



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Digital Transformation

We help you to adapt your company to the new digital environment, we focus our work on aligning people, processes and the technologies we implement, always oriented to the final customer.
Our mission is to guide our clients in the actual increasingly, demanding and technological markets.

Design of New Business Models

The world is constantly evolving, thinking of a business model is to think of something dynamic that changes and constantly adapts to new environments. It is vital to respond in a proactive way to the constantly changing needs of the market, in order to anticipate to the movements of our competitors.

Agile Methodologies Implementation

Implementing agile methodologies provides great advantages to any company, as they help us to adapt to the constant business changes in a flexible and efficient way, reducing costs, increasing productivity, quality and therefore the satisfaction of the end customer. The experts in YSP Consulting can help you to implement agile methodologies such as: Lean, Scrum, Kanban among others and we provide training on how to use and optimize them.

Social Media

It is vital for companies to have a solid and structured Social Media Plan. Our experts in YSP Consulting will support you on enhancing your brand on-line, an important area in your company as it plays a fundamental role when it comes to growing the business, helps to increase competitiveness and to access in a closer way both current and potential customers.

Apps and Webs Development

In a highly technological society where the majority of the population is virtually connected and uses the internet as a tool for work or as a searching engine, it is more and more important to have a good presence in a virtual space. We develop websites and applications with unique, functional and scalable designs, where users and customers can interact with the company in an agile and simple way.

AD-HOC Developments

In YSP Consulting we have an experienced team of computer engineers, layout designers, UX and graphic designers, specialized in product development tailored made to specific needs, we work from concept to validation, software test and final platform. We always keep in mind the needs of our clients and our goal is to strengthen the value proposition of the company in terms of tech.

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